The first place to start is with Gene Roddenberry. Was he a Freemason?! Many speculate (and even state) that he was a 33rd degree of the Scottish rite, although there appears to be no obvious evidence in this case. However, this doesn’t rule out a Freemasonic association entirely. It does seem interesting that the initial names of both the ship and captain have some significance. Roddenberry wanted to stick with Captain Pike (a name synonymous with Freemasonry: Albert Pike) although this link is tenuous. More interesting though is the ship itself. Roddenberry was determined, for a considerable amount of time, to name the vessel “Constitution”. Those who have looked into Freemasonic history will know that on March 17th, 1926, Major General Henry Knox lodge was constituted on the gun deck of the US Navy ship “USS Constitution”. More importantly, this was the only Lodge in the world ever to be instituted on an active ship of war. Although the starship name eventually became “Enterprise”, the ship remained a “constitution class starship”.
On a more esoteric level, the original series is littered with (what some refer to as “illuminati”) symbolism. Whilst many will argue for eternity about the true inferences of the Vulcan “live long and prosper” salute, more revealing examples can be found. The similarity of both the Starfleet uniform patch and the Vulcan IDIC pin to the Pyramid and ‘all seeing eye’ is a little strange. Indeed, the origin of the IDIC pin is explained in the Star Trek: Enterprise episode – “The Forge” – as an attainment of heightened knowledge upon reaching the summit of Mount Seleya on Vulcan. The Pyramid is also witnessed as a hand gesture on several occasions in one episode of the original series and in costume designs and set pieces throughout the original run. Jack the Ripper (freemasonic undercurrents) was also integral to the plot of the episode: “Wolf in the Fold”.
This alleged connection between Roddenberry and Freemasonry is mere peanuts compared to the more extensively documented associations that he would have during his life. His connections with all branches of the military/industrial/ scientific complex, and various political arenas, were vast to say the least. He had contact with several high profile figures in the United Nations which, he admitted, played a huge part in influencing his notion of an all-encompassing “Federation” of various nations/planets who ruled “benevolently” over countless individuals. This influence is clearly noted in the similarities between the flags of the UN and United Federation of Planets.
Andrija Puharich
This may not have been the only influence on the “Federation” concept though. From (at least) the mid-1970s, Roddenberry became associated with a little known group called “Lab9”. According to Lynn Picknett & Clive Prince (authors of “The Stargate Conspiracy”), Lab9 was a research facility based in New Jersey and was the brainchild of American Army physician and parapsychologist Andrija Puharich. “They included scientists interested in the interface between quantum physics and consciousness besides members of super-rich families, politicians and writers.” (“Behind the Mask: Aliens or Cosmic Jokers?” by Picknett & Prince)
Gene Roddenberry, the creator of Star Trek was a 33rd Degree Scottish-Rite Freemason. This is why we have “Scotty,” Spock’s Kabalistic/Masonic “V” hand gesture, pyramid-shaped communicators, and other Masonic symbols. The name Captain “Kirk” comes from “Circe” and means “church” in Scottish. So the church (Captain Kirk) is the head of the starship Enterprise. What enterprise? Whose enterprise do you think? Take note that the Vatican actually funds and controls every astronomical telescope and observatory in the world. All findings run through the Vatican before both the public and the scientific communities. What does this tell us? Meanwhile, the Masonic movie/music industries give us Stars, Superstars, Devas, Celebrities, Models, and Idols to worship.
On a more esoteric level, the original series is littered with (what some refer to as “illuminati”) symbolism. Whilst many will argue for eternity about the true inferences of the Vulcan “live long and prosper” salute, more revealing examples can be found. The similarity of both the Starfleet uniform patch and the Vulcan IDIC pin to the Pyramid and ‘all seeing eye’ is a little strange. Indeed, the origin of the IDIC pin is explained in the Star Trek: Enterprise episode – “The Forge” – as an attainment of heightened knowledge upon reaching the summit of Mount Seleya on Vulcan. The Pyramid is also witnessed as a hand gesture on several occasions in one episode of the original series and in costume designs and set pieces throughout the original run. Jack the Ripper (freemasonic undercurrents) was also integral to the plot of the episode: “Wolf in the Fold”.
This alleged connection between Roddenberry and Freemasonry is mere peanuts compared to the more extensively documented associations that he would have during his life. His connections with all branches of the military/industrial/ scientific complex, and various political arenas, were vast to say the least. He had contact with several high profile figures in the United Nations which, he admitted, played a huge part in influencing his notion of an all-encompassing “Federation” of various nations/planets who ruled “benevolently” over countless individuals. This influence is clearly noted in the similarities between the flags of the UN and United Federation of Planets.
Andrija Puharich
This may not have been the only influence on the “Federation” concept though. From (at least) the mid-1970s, Roddenberry became associated with a little known group called “Lab9”. According to Lynn Picknett & Clive Prince (authors of “The Stargate Conspiracy”), Lab9 was a research facility based in New Jersey and was the brainchild of American Army physician and parapsychologist Andrija Puharich. “They included scientists interested in the interface between quantum physics and consciousness besides members of super-rich families, politicians and writers.” (“Behind the Mask: Aliens or Cosmic Jokers?” by Picknett & Prince)
Gene Roddenberry, the creator of Star Trek was a 33rd Degree Scottish-Rite Freemason. This is why we have “Scotty,” Spock’s Kabalistic/Masonic “V” hand gesture, pyramid-shaped communicators, and other Masonic symbols. The name Captain “Kirk” comes from “Circe” and means “church” in Scottish. So the church (Captain Kirk) is the head of the starship Enterprise. What enterprise? Whose enterprise do you think? Take note that the Vatican actually funds and controls every astronomical telescope and observatory in the world. All findings run through the Vatican before both the public and the scientific communities. What does this tell us? Meanwhile, the Masonic movie/music industries give us Stars, Superstars, Devas, Celebrities, Models, and Idols to worship.