Pozor, mimozemšťanka Anna: Do SuperStar priletela z Planéty Fazole
"Tento rok nám nejako pribúdajú mimozemšťania,“ to skonštatoval v jednej z epizód porotca SuperStar Ondřej Soukup. To však ešte nevidel Annu Dvořákovú – 18-ročnú súťažiacu študentku ilustrácie z...
View ArticleHow A Scary Rock Climbing Mistake Helped Me Prepare For Mars One
As our comfort level grew with one another, we unwisely stopped reviewing our safety measures with the same care as when we first started climbing. Most climbers know that 99% of accidents and...
View ArticleBrazil court freezes Neymar assets worth $47 mn
A Brazilian court on Friday froze $47 million in assets belonging to football superstar Neymar over tax evasion allegations surrounding the Barcelona striker. Judge Carlos Muta wrote in a ruling that...
View ArticleGloria Estefan on Warming Up for Pope Francis: 'If You Don't Get Nervous ......
Even superstars like Estefan feel pressure to make the Pope proud
View ArticleSpoznávaš ju? Z tohto dievčatka vyrástla krásna speváčka!
Zviditeľnila sa v speváckej súťaži Superstar a hoci nevyhrala, účasť v tejto šou je pomohla odštartovať hviezdu kariéru. Pôsobí hlavne … Čítať ďalej
View ArticleSoukupa a Haberu okouzlila dívka z jiné planety: Podívejte se čím, a jak před...
Ondřej Soukup (64) a Pavol Habera (53) platí v porotcovské lavici SuperStar za ty přísné, kteří nejdou pro ostré slovo daleko. V případě osmnáctileté Anny Dvořákové to ale nebylo potřeba. Anička je,...
View ArticleThis Woman Recreated Some Of Dan Bilzerian's Instagram Photos With Half Naked...
Let the male objectification begin!Davison from LOLPervs decided to reverse the gender roles and become the female version of millionaire Dan Bilzerian, but with male models in fancy clothing instead...
View Article5 Things You Might Not Have Known About Serena Williams
Even with her loss in the U.S. Open semifinal, 2015 was the year of Serena Williams. She won four consecutive slams from the 2014 U.S. Open to this year's Wimbledon title.And Saturday is Serena's day:...
View Article5 Things You Might Not Have Known About Serena Williams
Even with her loss in the U.S. Open semifinal, 2015 was the year of Serena Williams. She won four consecutive slams from the 2014 U.S. Open to this year's Wimbledon title.And Saturday is Serena's day:...
View Article5 Things You Might Not Have Known About Serena Williams
Even with her loss in the U.S. Open semifinal, 2015 was the year of Serena Williams. She won four consecutive slams from the 2014 U.S. Open to this year's Wimbledon title.And Saturday is Serena's day:...
View Article5 Things You Might Not Have Known About Serena Williams
Even with her loss in the U.S. Open semifinal, 2015 was the year of Serena Williams. She won four consecutive slams from the 2014 U.S. Open to this year's Wimbledon title.And Saturday is Serena's day:...
View ArticleTurncoat Teammates — WWE Top 10
There are fewer heartbreaking moments in WWE history than those of a Superstar turning his back on a longtime partner in trouble. Watch the most infamous moments of tag team treachery that took place...
View ArticleBarcelona-Las Palmas 2:1 - Das Knie! Messi fällt wochenlang aus
Der FC Barcelona gewinnt 2:1 gegen UD Las Palmas, verliert aber Superstar Lionel Messi wegen einer Knieverletzung. Foto: AFP
View ArticlePrimera División: Messi verletzt sich bei Barça-Sieg
Das ist ein Schock für Barça: Superstar Lionel Messi fällt mit einem Innenbandriss im Knie bis zu acht Wochen aus, gegen UD Las Palmas war der 28-Jährige früh ausgewechselt worden. Barcelona gewann...
View ArticleThe Natural Way To Cure Stomach Problems
SPECIAL FROMYour belly is full of bacteria. That’s not an insult. That’s a fact. Helpful bacteria live in our guts, warding off disease and keeping our system in balance. But from time to time, the...
View ArticleThe Natural Way To Cure Stomach Problems
SPECIAL FROMYour belly is full of bacteria. That’s not an insult. That’s a fact. Helpful bacteria live in our guts, warding off disease and keeping our system in balance. But from time to time, the...
View ArticleMladík v Superstar věnuje píseň své lásce i její náhradnici: Raději ji ale...
Píseň, kterou se rozhodl před porotou Superstar sedmnáctiletý Tibor zazpívat, je prý pro jeho rodinu a přítelkyni. Zároveň ale ve studiu dodal, že ji věnuje také své bývalé lásce, kterou by rád získal...
View ArticleVerletzung von Barcelonas Superstar: "Wenn Messi jammert, stimmt was nicht"
Der Schock nach der Verletzung von Superstar Lionel Messi sitzt tief beim FC Barcelona. Trainer Enrique beschwört den Teamgeist - und hofft auf eine Rückkehr seines Angreifers zum Clásico gegen Real...
View ArticleSuperstar u Lídlu. (stanclova)
Zpěv mám odjakživa ráda. Taky z tohoto předmětu a ještě z chování, byla vždycky zaručená jednička. Proto s neskrývaným zájmem, sleduju všechny ty úžasné lidičky, kteří zápolí na pódiu o přízeň poroty....
View Article22 attacks that demolished cars and Superstars: WWE Fury
Watch Superstars like John Cena, Dean Ambrose and Bray Wyatt put the “car” in carnage in these moments where vehicles were obliterated by the human body. Somebody call the Brisco Brothers Body Shop....
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