Facebook fans make Republican candidate Ben Carson a fundraising star
Ben Carson’s eye-popping summer fundraising haul of $20 million has not only reaffirmed his viability as a Republican presidential candidate, it has propelled him into a league of superstar fundraisers...
View ArticleNew Artist Reviews: Lozk
EDITOR'S NOTE: PLEASE USE THIS IMAGE AS THE SOCIAL MEDIA THUMBNAIL http://images.huffingtonpost.com/2015-10-02-1443755424-7688038-MeaninglessWordscover.jpg There is an endless amount of unique music...
View ArticleTrump may lead him in polls, but Ben Carson is winning the social media campaign
Republican US presidential contender Ben Carson’s eye-popping summer fundraising haul of US$20 million has not only reaffirmed his viability as a candidate, it has propelled him into a league of...
To si takhle píšete 1000 věcí, co mě serou. Z malýho blogu se stane blog větší, a pak ještě větší, najedete si nějaký štýlo, sypete tam určitej typ fórů, point a mudrosloví, který lidi celkem žerou,...
View Article„Hujer“ v SuperStar: Ukázal vytetovanou Jandovou a Haberovi slíbil za postup...
Za postup cokoliv. Pětadvacetiletý Denis Kolek se rozhodl ohromit porotu tetováním na svém předloktí. Tetelící se Martě Jandové tvrdil, že je to ona, a Haberovi neváhal slíbit, že si vytetuje i jeho,...
View ArticleRs.3.5 Cr 'Sangeet' Number For Mahesh Babu's Brahmotsavam
The makers of superstar Mahesh Babu's Brahmotsavam, which is currently on the floors, are said to have spent a whopping Rs.3.5 crore on a song for the film. "It's the introductory song featuring...
View ArticleWatch: Ring Announcer Runs Mouth & Gets in Matt Serra’s Face
When Dana White took over the UFC in 2001, one of the new UFC President’s first tasks was to scour the MMA backwaters searching for undiscovered talent to sign to the UFC. White hasn’t scouted talent...
View ArticleListen To This: A Stranger's Eyes That Somehow Look Familiar
This is such a departure for Lady Antebellum! The country superstars have partnered with DJ/producer Audien for an EDM song! And the results are smashing! Lady A have always leaned towards the pop side...
View ArticleKat zo SuperStar v rozpakoch?! Táto mladá dievčina Haberu odrovnala
Porotcovský kat Paľo Habera (53) už videl a počul počas rokov v SuperStar skutočne hocičo, ale to, čím ho odrovnala jedna zo súťažiacich vás prekvapí.
View ArticleKat zo SuperStar v rozpakoch?! Táto mladá dievčina Haberu odrovnala
Porotcovský kat Paľo Habera (53) už videl a počul počas rokov v SuperStar skutočne hocičo, ale to, čím ho odrovnala jedna zo súťažiacich vás prekvapí.
View ArticleSlavné kariéry českých a slovenských hudebních hvězd začínaly v Jihlavě
Už je to skoro půl století, co v Jihlavě začala talentová soutěž Mladá píseň, předchůdce dnešní SuperStar. V jihlavském kulturním domě tehdy vystupovali neznámí nováčci, které dnes zná celé Česko i...
View ArticleSuperStar 2015: Tenhle blázen si nechal na ruku vytetovat Martu Jandovou!...
Už v neděli nás čeká první díl letošní SuperStar, natáčený v industriální hale v Kladně, kde začne náročný a tvrdý boj o postup do dalších kol - začne nová fáze Super výběr!
View ArticleLebron says 'no room for guns' after violence
NBA superstar Lebron James spoke out against gun violence on Friday, saying there was "no room" for firearms in the wake of a mass shooting at an Oregon school which left nine people dead. Cleveland...
View ArticleEinstein Once Wrote Marie Curie Telling Her To Ignore the Haters
In 1911, science superstar and Nobel Prize winner Marie Curie was in the all-too-familiar position famous women often find themselves in -- her private life was the target of public scorn. At the...
View ArticleEinstein Once Wrote Marie Curie Telling Her To Ignore the Haters
In 1911, science superstar and Nobel Prize winner Marie Curie was in the all-too-familiar position famous women often find themselves in -- her private life was the target of public scorn. At the...
View ArticleEinstein Once Wrote Marie Curie Telling Her To Ignore the Haters
In 1911, science superstar and Nobel Prize winner Marie Curie was in the all-too-familiar position famous women often find themselves in -- her private life was the target of public scorn. At the...
View ArticleEinstein Once Wrote Marie Curie Telling Her To Ignore the Haters
In 1911, science superstar and Nobel Prize winner Marie Curie was in the all-too-familiar position famous women often find themselves in -- her private life was the target of public scorn. At the...
View ArticleNBA-National Basketball Association roundup
NBA superstar LeBron James spoke out about the need for stricter gun laws Friday, one day after a 5-month-old girl in Cleveland was killed in a drive-by shooting. The death of Aavielle Wakefield, plus...
View ArticleDe La Hoya: Mayweather ended his career with a little fire cracker
(Photo credit: Lucas Noonan/Premier Boxing Champions) By Dan Ambrose: Golden Boy Promotions promoter Oscar De La Hoya says he hopes that superstar Floyd Mayweather Jr. doesn’t make a comeback next...
View ArticleŠok v SuperStar! Dalibor Slepčík skolaboval, skončí v súťaži?
Hneď na začiatku ohúril porotu a odvtedy sa stal horúcim kandidátom na víťaza celej SuperStar. No teraz je viac než možné, že jeho hviezda zhasne ešte skôr, ako stihla zažiariť! Vysoké horúčavy,...
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